How to move from one flower to the next


I've been thinking a lot about dreams, lately. And the steps it takes to get there. Because you know, I turned the major age of 21 this year and you should expect to see a panicky "oh my gosh I'm getting old and I haven't done anything yet!" post from me, right? Ha. In all seriousness, though, I really don't have an exact plan for where I want to go in my twenties. I just know what I eventually want from life.

Does anyone else get stuck in the details? I mean, you know eventually where you want to "end up", but the small steps it will take to get there? That's the hardest part. One of the things I keep struggling with is: what is the next thing? What are the things I can do right now that will get me just a little bit closer to the life I want?

They tell you that you are the only person that is ever in your way. You keep yourself back. Your success is in your hands. I know this talk is supposed to be empowering, or whatever but I just think it's scary. Have you ever thought about how scary it sounds? That I alone - a person with a dream - could also prevent that very dream from happening?

Dreams take steps. A lot of small steps. Dreams cost. They cost money and time and dedication. Achieving dreams isn't glamorous. Just a lot of hard, hard work.

I'm not scared of hard work. In fact, there's nothing I love more than to crack away at a task all lined out for me. I'm just scared of uncertainty. Of, "what if this is not enough? what if it doesn't work? what if I can't actually do it?"

Last Saturday I walked down to our garden. I ended up watching this bee move from tansy plant to tansy plant. Usually I can't photograph insects because they're so fast, but this sweet one wasn't in a hurry. My favorite one is when she's stretched out between two flowers, half where she's been, half where she's going.

how do you move from one flower to the next?
in which direction and how far?
well. . .
I'm still figuring that out.

stay strong.

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  1. Thanks very much for sharing so honestly and beautifully!❤I feel you in this - I get caught up in the big picture but miss the little things I could be doing each day to get me there.

    1. It's hard sometimes, isn't it? I guess we just have to keep putting one foot in front of the other until we arrive.


  2. This is such a beautiful message, Keira. Thanks so much for sharing this <3 <3 <3

    1. Thank YOU for reading this, Ash!!


  3. "I'm not scared of hard work. I'm just scared of uncertainty."

    I've never heard it summed up so well. I hate not knowing. Hate it. A dear woman in my life reminded me once when I was super overwhelmed, "Just do the next right thing." The problem comes when you don't know what that thing is. Baby steps, eh? One foot in front of the other. You're gonna do great things, Keira. Not a doubt in my mind. <3

    1. That's it! What is the next thing for me? For you? I guess whatever is right in front of us at the moment. And that means saying a lot of "yes" (hello, uncertainty). But we're gonna be fine, right? Yeah we are.

      cheering for you.

  4. this is so encouraging to read. i just turned twenty and have been thinking a lot of similar thoughts. God is in control of our lives, for sure. but we are the ones who have to take those steps to achieve God's plan for our lives. and the idea that i am the one in charge of doing that scares me. especially since i'm not exactly sure where i want to be in the future. or even if i have an idea of where i want to be, the work to get there seems so overwhelming. thank you for this. <3

    -gabi |

    1. I'm so glad it was, Gabi. Honestly I almost did post it because I don't have a resolution, even an answer to the question "where do I go next?" It IS all very overwhelming and scary. But we can do it, right? Other people do.

      you got this.

  5. This post. <3 You're bringing me to tears because I'm so there too. I'm graduating college, so more than ever I feel like I have to have it all figured out.
    "Dreams take steps. A lot of small steps. Dreams cost. They cost money and time and dedication. Achieving dreams isn't glamorous. Just a lot of hard, hard work." You're so right. We just have to focus on one step, one plant at a time.
    You're inspiring, dear.

    1. ahh Hannah, I have no words...just: "I feel you, so hang in there."

      you can do this.
