I have this thing for waterfalls. . .


Do you ever think about how extremely small your life is? I have been thinking A LOT about it. How much my life doesn't exist beyond what it takes to maintain a life. I drive to work. I drive home. I use the money I make to pay for things like gas, so I can drive to work some more. I do photography on weekends. Sometimes I read books, but let's be honest, that's the last thing I have time for. And when I'm too exhausted to do either of those things, I sit down with a good movie and a notebook.

It reminds me of this line from You've Got Mail:

"Sometimes I wonder about my life. I lead a small life - well, valuable, but small - and sometimes I wonder, do I do it because I like it, or because I haven't been brave?"

I think bravery looks different for everyone. For some, it looks like getting up and putting on fresh clothes. For others it is making that trip overseas happen even though they're scared. You can live small because it's easy. But what about if you're physically incapable of living larger than you already are? What if what's on your place is big enough - even if it's smaller than everyone else? Are you missing out on the bigness of life, then?

I say no.

Yes I live a small life. Yes I might never become famous for anything other than my love of waterfalls and soundtrack music. I might never explode beyond my current circle. But I, but you, need to stop stressing over the definition of big and small, as if they matter more than doing the best with what you have in front of you.

I'm turning 21 this month, and people keep asking me what I'm doing to do (get a gun, have wine, pull an all-nighter...etc) But I've told them I'm road tripping to Montana to see another waterfall. Yeah, it's a small thing. Yeah, it probably doesn't sound mature or grown-up. But it's gonna be great.

stay strong.

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  1. Hi, Keira! I recently found your blog and I just LOVE it so much. Your words are really inspiring and motivating.

    "But I, but you, need to stop stressing over the definition of big and small, as if they matter more than doing the best with what you have in front of you." << this is just so AMAZING! I definitely agree with this lovely post. (And the pics are AMAZING!) ♥

    -Ash | ashronnel.blogspot.com

    1. Hey there, Ash! It's great to meet you.

      I'm so glad this post encouraged you. Your kind words seriously means so much. Thank you...


  2. Oh, Keira. How do you always hit me exactly where I need it?

    I want to highlight all of this and hang it on my bedroom door next to the mirror I use to get ready, so that I see it every single day before I face the world. Because bravery does look different for everyone, and big and small are really rather relative when you really think about it.

    My life is small, too. But small doesn't mean unimportant. It just means important in different ways, I think. And there's a certain level of contentedness in that.

    Road tripping to a waterfall sounds like the absolute perfect way to spend a birthday. I hope that you have the most wonderful time. Love you loads. xx <3

    1. How come your comments are always my favorite to read?? Like...wow girl. You DA BEST.

      "Small doesn't mean unimportant..." <<< This needs to be the thing we believe instead of what we tend to say: "For my life to matter, I have to save the world." Truth is. We don't have to save the world. Just live with what's in front of us and do the best we can with it.

      Thank you for reading and always cheering me on.

  3. Ahh I love this post! Your thoughts and perspective is so fresh and comforting and I feel it so much. The fact that you used a quote from one of my favorite movies of all time makes this post even better! I also feel like I lead a small life, but you know we need people who find the beauty in waterfalls and soundtracks and good books. Keep doing what you love and leading your small life. It's beautiful! <3

    1. "You've Got Mail" is the best, isn't it? I LOVE IT SO MUCH.

      You said it: small lives are beautiful too. And I wish the same for you: keep living your beautiful life.


  4. Loved this!!! Your beautiful pictures just take me to Middle-earth :D

    And, yes. Sometimes the bravest and hardest thing is to live a deeply ordinary life, but to live it well, and to point to God even in the deeply mundane ❤

  5. hey! grace led me to your blog and this post and i just want to say that this really resonated with me. i struggle a lot with comparing myself to others. i'm always basing my self-worth on my accomplishments. but bravery really does look different for different people. and it's okay to live a small life. thanks for the reminder. :)

    -gabi | gabrielapaige.com

    1. Hey Gabi! Welcome.

      Girl, I'm so glad this encouraged you. It's something I have to repeat to myself daily.

      all the best.

  6. Ohhhh I love this!! I've really been thinking about this, as a full time college student, doing . . . pretty much only schoolwork. It seems so insignificant and so pointless, but that's just the place I'm in right now.

    Gorgeous photos!
    Hanne || losingthebusyness.wordpress.com

    1. Indeed. But honestly, college takes an entirely different level of dedication and discipline - so whether you realize it or not, you are making progress and growing. Hang in there!

