
Nov. 26th / Thankfulness Thursday


happy happy thanksgiving,

I don't know what today will look like for you. I don't know whether you'll be alone, or joining in the festivities behind a screen. I don't know whether today will be sad or thrilling. I think everyone is a little uncertain about what celebrations will be like the next few months, but I hope more than anything that it isn't all strange and new for you.

There's a line from a Jason Robert Brown song, I keep thinking of. It goes "nobody told you the best way to steer when the wind starts to blow." I can't stop thinking about how that is 100% the way I feel about what's happened this year. The wind blew. It shattered windows. It. . .came around unexpectedly. I'm not the only one who started out this year with a plan that fell to pieces. You also. . .experienced uncertainty. And while I don't know where you are in that, or the extent of feelings associated, I can say that: you might not know the best way to steer, but you know gratitude is a place to steer to.

Stick with it, my friend. Don't make today the only day of gratitude on your mind. Remind yourself of good things, however muddled they might be in. . .other nasty stuff. I promise they exist.



= this Matt Kearney playlist while I clean out my inbox
= this song is utterly beautiful no matter your musical/theater knowledge, but I think I have an extra layer of love for it because 6/8! eb minor!
= sitting on my friend's couch while her six month old sits at my feet and grins his face off because he is so thrilled about the world
= seeing old friends, back from college for the holidays
= my friend left a homemade scone for me at work #iknowiknow
= chocolate.
= Ahavat Olam. (you should also read the translation, okay?)
= pizza.
= reading Hannah Brencher's "What I'd Tell a Girl in her 20's"
= I ADORE our kitchen sunlight, but I kinda feel that I should show you just how marvelous it is

Happy Thanksgiving!!

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  1. I love your Thankfulness Thursday post. <3 hope your Thanksgiving was the best!
    — sophia @ teastainedadventures.com

    1. Sophia, thank you!! I hope YOUR Thanksgiving was wonderful.


  2. Oh K, I love this post. That song describes this year perfectly, and it's definitely been running through my head ever since I read this post.

    I just love your list. Here's to plants and sweet times with friends and the most beautiful, beautiful sunlight. :-)

    Your words give me hope. Thanks for another year - doing this challenge with you is my favorite. xx

    1. Here's to all the things!!

      it is an absolute pleasure doing these with you.
      you are the best. : )
