September fades away...


The leaves might be changing all around us, but my soul is still wishing is was summer. My family and I have remarked often how we are terribly sad to be eating dinner in the dark, now. Even when we go down to the beach for games on the weekends – I’ve made the mistake of setting it like we always do, instead of an hour earlier.

Life is bizarre. If anything, September has taught me that. My Brother turned 20. My Little Brother started driver’s training. My sister is reading her way through our favorite book series. I cannot take this grow-up rate.

All around me people are hurting. I see it more now than I ever have, and what’s changed – I’m not sure. I’m older? More involved? It seems like there’s a burlap sack of tragic rice that somebody sliced a hole in.

I’m sorry I forgot the blankets.” <<< In this show I’m watching, one character apologizes at the grave of another. For forgetting a trivial item the last time they saw each other. It doesn’t get much more human than that.

And yet, other things go on as usual. In a couple days it will be Sukkot.* I really ought to start canning all the garden tomatoes. A group of us are trying to put together a backpacking trip before the snow comes. I bought a sleeping hammock for such purpose!!!

*today is Sukkot 6 if that tells you how long I’ve been drafting this.

Fall is heralded as “comfort season”. The moment or anticipation of a break and extra time. . .around the fire, shopping in cardigans and beanies. I don’t know what fall will be like this year but let’s hope it turns out peacefully.

And I told myself I must at least do *one* blog post in October, and here are some photos to finish this off because I can’t with words just now.

happy October, friends.
i hope it's a good one

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  1. Your photos are gorgeous - they touch something in my soul! :)
    I'm right there with you as I try to remember where September went. It was so good but so full xD
    May your October be blessed, full of special moments and breaks when you need them most <3

    1. You are TOOOOO kind, Jeanette. Thank you.

      I hope your October is just as lovely.

  2. Gosh, I'm right there with you in missing the sunlight. Just yesterday I made the mistake of parking in one of the sketchier lots downtown, thinking I had plenty of time to walk back before dark only to realize that no, 6:30 IS dark now. *facepalm*

    "A burlap sack of tragic rice that somebody sliced a hole in" is my new all-time favorite description of it. It's just...yeah. Gosh I hate it. That blanket line kills me, and I don't even know the show.

    Your photos are always my favorite. The purples in that last concert shot are just magical.

    I hope you get some autumn peace soon, friend. xx

    1. Ugh of course it's *that* time of year too.

      The line is from Lost, but that doesn't mean I have started to enjoy it or anything. It's still wildly confusing. XD

      Thank you, friend. The concert was a MEMORABLE TIME.
