not my words


I’m a firm believer in words. I think most of us are. Words are. . .powerful, majestic, inspiring, gut-wrenching things. They are alive. . .in a way. I’m. I love them a lot a lot a lot.

I decided to do a post on this because words that have impact me also have meaning for your life too. Deep inside, you and I made of the same stuff as all humans are. Regardless of how different our day to day lives may be, your insecurities, hopes, fears, dreams overlap mine. Hope for me, is hope for you.

In these words, I hope you find whatever it is you need to find.

. . . .

A lot of things have happened this year
and you have had to bear more
than you ever thought you would
But I just hope you know
through the difficult and the good
you have also been brave
in a beautiful, honest way.

And no matter the progress you feel
that you have not made
You are still growing here

// Morgan Harper Nicoles

. . . .

"The way to genuine cultural creativity starts with the recognition that we woke up this morning in our right mind, with the use and activity of our limbs - and that every other creative capacity we have is likewise arrived as a gift we did not earn and to which we were not entitled. And once we are awake and thankful, our most important cultural contribution will very likely come from doing what keeps us precisely in the center of delight and surprise." // Andy Crouch, Culture Makers

. . . .

Today a friend said we
need to stop apologizing on behalf of those we love & it
made me wonder what would
happen if we did.

See, when you censor me,
you tell me there’s some of me
that belongs in the dark
& it’s not fit for
public consumption.

perhaps if we quit
letting comfort call the shots
if we danced with Awkward
though she moves off-beat
broken hearts wouldn’t be so scared to speak.

// t.r.h

. . . .

I fell apart many times
what does that say about me
I live through wars

// Nayyirah Waheed

. . . .

How beautiful it is
that you are learning
to thrive
in your uncertainty,
finding peace in your unknowns
knowing hope does not let go,
giving you freedom
to believe in the truth :
“there is so much more ahead of you.”

// M.H.N

. . . .

Do it because it is
right, you are brave
there is hope, it will
heal. Do it because you
learned a thing or
two & you know what
you need to do
Do good. Be wild.
The soul you are is
the one we want
exactly. Hide nothing,
make beauty,
Be free.

// t.r.h

. . . .

“I’ve met a lot of people who say they’re waiting for God to give them a “plan” for their lives. They talk about this “plan” like it’s a treasure map God has folded up in His back pocket. . .People who want a reason to delay often wait for plans. People who are becoming love don’t. . .He said His plan was for all of us was to love Him and then find people who are hungry or thirsty or who feel like strangers or are sick or don’t have clothes or are in prison of creep us out or are our enemies and go love them just like they were Him.”

// Bob Geoff, “Everybody Always”

. . . .

I want to own a rock
with my name on
it and the word patience as a
reminder of what it takes to maintain belief
in reconciliation.
I want to remember that God's work is
thousands of years of reconciliation.

// Danielle Bennett, “For January 16th”

x o x o x o.

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  1. I am also definitely a firm believer in words & love these quotes! ♡

    1. So glad you enjoyed them!!


  2. Loving this post! My favourite quote was the Nayyirah Waheed one - something to remember, is it not?

    Keep up the great posts!

    1. Indeed it is.

      thanks so much, E.D.!
