
Reading in 2020 // pt. 2


Hey friends,

I thought it was time for another installment of reading in 2020. If you’re new – first off: welcome! – I am writing a short blurb about every book I read this year and sharing them with you all.

Honestly speaking, I’m pleasantly surprised at this year’s book accomplishments. I wrote myself a list in Jan. 12 books I wanted to get to this year, and as of now, I’m 11 books and 4 months early. Granted, COVID put a damper on which books I could read, but there are plenty of unread books in my room.

The comments are wide open if you care to share the books you’re reading, or rave about the ones I mention here. Let’s start, shall we?

Molly’s Game

I saw the movie last year and it struck me harder than most. I was intrigued by this woman who made a fortune for herself with little more than a desire to rise and be someone. Molly’s story is unbelievably unique. Her book is short (about 260 pg.), and easy to finish in a day. I couldn’t relate to her experience in the slightest, but I enjoyed the fascinating story of her rise to fame.

Picture Perfect

This is was a .50 thrift store rescue paperback I picked up last year because, you guessed, it’s Jodi Picoult.

Picture Perfect is the story of a couple dealing with the aftermath of a fairytale start to their marriage. Gradually their personalities, interests, and flaws drive them further and further apart. The book starts close to the climax– the wife has been found in a churchyard, disoriented and without memory of how she got there. In typical Picoult fashion, the pacing is immaculate, the characters true, the writing honest.

I’m not exactly sure why this one didn’t resonate. Sometimes books don’t, and it’s no ones’ fault.

The Stationary Shop

I don’t remember much about this novel except it was set in Tehran, and a recommendation from Grace Ann. Not a reread for me, but still a lovely romantic story.

My Sister’s Keeper

If you are going to read Jodi Picoult, may I suggest My Sister’s Keeper, over Picture Perfect??? I’ll quote from the discussion questions in the back, because it says it much better than I can. “My Sister’s Keeper explores the moral, practical, and emotional complications of putting one human being in pain or in danger for the well-being of another.”

This novel is riveting and unsettling and tense. I cannot recommend it enough.

Know My Name

I’d seen this one surface for a while before I finally decided to read it (and only because Olivia raved about it, and I trust her book recs). I was not prepared for the emotional powerhouse this memoir is. First, the subject matter alone. Second, the unveiling of today’s justice system (which is 100x worse than I thought it was). I have to give an enormous nod to the writing also. THIS WOMAN IS TALENTED.

If you have considered reading it but weren’t sure if it was worth it, IT IS. I was not disappointed.

I was Anastasia

Another recommendation from Grace Ann. She’s obsessed with the Anastasia story and part of me has also wanted to experience the hype myself. I confess that I knew very little of Anastasia and I worried that since this novel is about a woman claiming to be Anastasia and the subsequent investigation that followed, I was starting in the wrong place. Turns out, you don’t have to know anything about the Romanovs to enjoy the novel.

Although, “enjoy” is not the word I’d use to describe it.

This book is anything but enjoyable. It’s a dark tale. It’s a world in which none of the characters get what they want, but the villains do. There is no silver lining. Even in the few happy moments depicted a dark cloud looms.

In spite of this, I thoroughly loved it and the end. . .oh my goodness. I won’t say anymore.


what are you reading right now?
what has been your favorite book this year?
have you read any of these titles?

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  1. I always go immediately to Goodreads after reading these posts to add your recs to my TBR. I hadn't heard of Molly's Game before, and a quick Google search has me intrigued.

    I'm so happy that you loved I Was Anastasia. I thought that one might be right up your alley. :-)

    I'm still in the middle of a couple of books, but most recently I've picked up The Book of Lost Names. I'm just a couple chapters into it, but it looks super interesting.

    Always love your posts. xx

    1. That is high praise, my friend. Thank you! : )

      You'll be hearing more about my Anastasia discoveries, in future also.

      always love your comments.

  2. Ahhhh My Sister's Keeper is amazing, and one of the few book-to-movie adaptions that I consider equal to the written work. I Was Anastasia sounds really interesting, i don't know much about that investigation but studying Russian history at school was terrific (and scandalous)!

    1. btw, random question, but how did you make your blog header? It's so pretty and I'm trying to make one for my own (but unfortunately i'm not artistic enough lol)

    2. Ooohh I haven't seen the movie yet, but I want to!! Also good to hear that it does the book proper justice. : )

      I used Canva to design my blog header. I don't remember if it was one of their "pre-made logo templates" or not, but they have dozens of pretty fonts and layouts (mostly free!). I'd definitely recommend it for any blog branding you want to do.

      have the best day.

  3. The end of I Was Anastasia still haunts me. So good! And as someone who is also obsessed with the Romanovs, you should definitely read more about their story. It's SO interesting! I haven't read any of the other books on your list, but I'm definitely interested in a lot of them. I watched the movie of My Sister's Keeper, and your little blurb has made me want to pick up the book.
    Great list! Can't wait for the next installment of 2020 reads!

    1. I definitely want to read more Russian history!!

      If I was going to rate my list, My Sister's Keeper would be in the top 3. I'd love to hear your thoughts when you read it. : )

      best to ya!!
