
I can see the mountains


Fires. The inevitable effect of heat and dry landscapes. For a while, it was happening everywhere else, and then last Saturday, the smoke hit us. There was a fire northwest of us, my dad informed me. And another near the Canadian border. But we were also getting smoke from surrounding states. I woke up to, and lived for the next week in a world of red suns, thick air, and foul-smelling fog. As if I needed a reminder that the world feels very apocalyptical these days, now I had a visual one. #thanksworldyou'rethebest

I have been, more than ever, slowly dreading winter. Now, I love winter and snow - when everything is certain. But this will be our first winter in this new house which isn't entirely set-up and I am just imagining the kind of headache it's going to be. So when the smoke came and the sun didn't shine on our kitchen floor, my heart sank. Why are humans so influenced by their surroundings? I very much want to operate in mind-over-matter but. . .

turns out, I can't???

You can imagine the joy that ensued when 3 days later I woke to sunlight on the kitchen floor again. Every day the smoke vapors away a little more until: yesterday was gloriously sunny and beautiful again. I am sitting at the kitchen table in front of our big window and I can see. The trees at the edge of the road, the trees across the railroad track that cuts into the side of the hill. The trees that crest the hill. The faintest prickle of trees on the mountains across the valley. A flock of birds are flitting in the blue sky and I think that's what my heart is doing on the inside.

So what if things have been (uh...hellish) the past 3 months? I can see the mountains again. I can drive home with the windows down in these final days of warmth. The atmosphere is bringing peace to my soul once more, and that is enough. Sometimes you gotta take the oasis when it comes without wondering how long it will last.

stay strong.

postscript #1: I promise there will be a new head-space post in a few days, as I am dying to update ya'll with the latest, but hope you enjoy this little piece of my brain on a Monday morning

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  1. I am so glad that things have cleared up for you guys - can't even imagine how extra-special the light feels these days. :-) soak in that last bit of warmth, my friend!

    1. Thank you, friend!! I plan on doing just that.


  2. I love the rawness and simplicity of this post. I'm glad to hear you're safe and that the smoke has cleared out. But whether they're physical fires or not, it's always a good reminder to look forward to sunshine and light on the kitchen floor when it gets overwhelming. I hope you're able to fully enjoy the rest of your summer!

    1. Aww, Hannah thank you. Couldn't have said it better myself.

      hope your week is lovely.
