
some things that made July sweeter


If there's one thing adult life has taught me it is this: seasons are never one way or the other. A month, a day, a hour is not just "good" or "bad". And it's okay (even, healthy) to recognize this duality. It's especially important to not count the "good" or "bad" things, pit them against each other and decide which side wins.

July was not the best or the easiest month. I know "best" and "easiest" are extremely vague, but that's what I choose to avoid going into the specifics. As my mind tends to focus on whatever is "bad" in my life, this is a conscious effort to document the good things that happened so they can have their proper place. 

so, here, in no particular order or context are some things that brightened and sweetened my July. 


= I couple weeks ago, I was home alone. I was too exhausted to do much of anything, and I needed something that would distract me from said exhaustion. I'd just finished cleaning up the kitchen and as I scrolled through Instagram, I saw that Rob Bell had announced in his story that "An Introduction to Joy" was available on youtube. As ya'll know, my admiration for his work runs deep, and since I had an entire afternoon ahead of me, I decided to watch it then and there.

It was THE BEST decision. a Godsend. straight from heaven above. made my week.

I'm talking in sentence fragments because I cannot properly express how much it spoke to my soul. I CANNOT RECOMMEND IT ENOUGH.

= I cannot describe to you how delicious it feels to jump into water at the end of a long day. It doesn't just wash away sweat and heat, it's soul cleansing too. July was the month I brought a towel and spare clothes every day.

= so many birthdays...If anything July has made me realize I need to be make a greater effort to celebrate people.

= took my book and camping chair down to the creek and read for a good hour. bliss bliss bliss.

= thrift stores are slowly opening around and I've made a few quick trips for some much needed summer clothes and house furnishings. It feels very pre-quarantine, and anything that feels like old times is special.


= "Elixer" and "August" from Taylor Swift's new album (bc I am more a piano rythmn/harmony fan than a t. swift fan)

= Shane & Shane: family friends introduced us to their music and honestly, I cannot believe I hadn't listened to it before. Their cover of "Breathe" is my second-favorite version of the song. "Psalm 46" is my all-time fav. If you watch my insta stories you know that there was a day effort to write a chord sheet that turned into a cry for help because I wrote it in the wrong key. But Dad (he is my musical rock) stepped in and fixed my blunders, so I have a shiny chord sheet that we wrote together. "Psalm 90" tugged on my heartstrings too. It's not on Spotify, so here's the youtube link.

= "Nancy Mulligan" + "What Do I Know?" + "Save Myself" // Ed Sheeran.

. . .

...you have this moment
It's not what you thought it would be
but perhaps, the end of July can be its own kind of beautiful
Perhaps, you can only be here right now, and that's okay

I hope each of you are well and
that August brings wonderful things your way.

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  1. You always remind me of that duality. I'm so quick to categorize everything as one or the other, black or white. Always appreciative of that perspective shift.

    I love reading about all of these moments. These days, I think just about any pre-quarantine reminders feel like that blissful shock of cool water, and I'm most definitely here for it. I'm hoping to go thrifting in a couple of weeks - fingers crossed. :-)

    I'll have to listen to Shane + Shane! I've never heard of them, but I always get excited for music recs from you. :-) Some of the rhythms in the new tswift music have gotten my choreographic brain spinning - I'm already dying to get back in a studio and try out some ideas from Exile.

    Here's hoping that August brings you a little more ease and a little more light. xx

    1. SAME girl...I need all the pre-quarantine feels in my life.

      You'll have to let me know if Shane + Shane resonates!!

      wishing the same for you, friend.

  2. Love this! All the music you mentioned is perfection and I'm here for it!
    Even though July was a hard month, I'm glad you were able to find moments of peace and bliss. It's definitely true that no amount of time can be defined by good and bad. There's so much that happens in a month, and there's a lot of gray space between good and bad.
    I'm hoping that August is a better month full of beautiful things to discover.

    1. Thanks Hannah! If anything, July was an A+ music month.

      thanks for making my day with your comments.
