
(a sneaky blog anniversary)


Hello friends!

Who else could use a little less 2020 talk? Just me? I feel like all I've said since March is: life is hard and I'm stressed and I really need a vacation. Anyone feel me?

So! Moving on. . .

Two weeks ago, this space turned 3 years old. I know I know I know. The appropriate thing is to announce it with "Hey I've been here ____ years!!! come celebrate!!! send virtual cake and flowers!!" Not that you'd remember, but I also missed my 2nd blog anniversary. #GoMe By the time I remembered, it was actually November and it felt weird to celebrate a month after it happened so I just. . .didn't. Then this year. . .I am good at remembering dates and anniversaries, I promise.

I was thinking the other day about my "following", and how it feels roughly the same as when I started. A handful of people probably left (or maybe they don't comment, I'll never know). It's weird to think about because, as a blogger, shouldn't I want to grow this space?? Deep down, I guess, I'd love that. There's no feeling quite as close to when you write, publish, and open it back up the next day to see that it mattered to someone besides you.

Growing a following definitely matters less to me than it did when I first started. I know any blog guru would thumbs down my "one blog post per month" streak. It's not the best way to keep followers. But since I need everything I write to be perfectly meaningful, I will always have this problem.

This space doesn't look like much from the outside, but that's okay. I show up because I love it here. I love writing. This space is a catharsis and my own little corner. And I'll be here no matter who reads or doesn't.

thank YOU for sticking around for my weirdness and crazy thoughts and writing ruts.
I wish I could bring you cookies and flowers.

so happy you are here


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  1. Congratulations on 3 years!!! I also missed my 3-year blogoversary - when was it, last month? xD

    I can relate to so much of what you share in this post. And I love your writing style, the way you think and express yourself. Thank you for being here and sharing with us :)

    May there be many more! <3

    1. Baffling how easy it is to miss, sometimes eh?

      Thank YOU for being here! It makes all the difference. :)


  2. Happy Anniversary! :) Congratulations on reaching 3 years. This is indeed a wonderful milestone to celebrate! Meaningful, thoughtful, and personal blog entries will always be the best things to read around here in the internet, so thank you for sharing your words with us. Have a lovely rest of your week :)

    Anna Jo | http://helloannajo.blogspot.com

    1. Thank you so much for the sweet comment, Anna!! It means the world. :)

      best wishes.

  3. I totally understand the struggle of slow growth, I feel like I've been in the same place since I started blogging too. But there's so much freedom in slow growth and being able to focus on what you love and the people who truly love your work despite the inconsistency.
    Your blog is one of my favorites and I can wait for 3 more years reading your work!

    1. girl, I feel ya. It's different, but maybe slow-growth is best.

      also...YOUR blog is one of my favorites. I will be reading it 3 years and beyond!! : )

  4. Happy Anniversary!! Don't worry about the numbers and keep only putting out what you love! ♡

    1. a wonderful motto that's for sure!!!


  5. Oh my goodness, this was the craziest trip down memory lane. I have such vivid memories of reading both of those early blog posts - three years somehow feels like yesterday and so much longer all at once. I'd forgotten that you'd been around the blogosphere longer than you'd been actually blogging, and I remember how thrilled I was when you finally started a blog of your own. :-) Three years later, and I'm just as thrilled every time that a post from you pops up in my inbox. This space is wonderful, and I am so grateful for your words.

    p.s. That one year comment still stands - I absolutely cannot wait to meet you one day. xx

    1. It does, doesn't it? Feelings about time are weird and I'll never understand them.

      You are the best forever and ever.
      cannot wait to meet YOU.

