
Nov. 5th / Thankfulness Thursday


Hi friends,

Good evening, and happy November. I hope it's well where you are (or as well as it can be in the current climate of things)

The prospect of doing Thankfulness Thursday again this year really got me excited in October. Maybe I feel an extra urge to jot down anything good I can find about this year. Maybe since everything is still so so uncertain, gratitude is the only thing that will get me through. Maybe I have not given enough credit to the miracles that have happened. Maybe it's all of these.

Just know I am crazy excited to be in this space for the next couple weeks.

Oh, there are many many ways I could take this, but in keeping with the theme of "most monumental moments of 2020" I think I'd have to start with: music.

Not just any music but: specifically, Broadway music. Cast recordings. Live concerts and such.

I've been a soundtrack geek for ages. I love it because you can turn it on at home and no one can judge the words because it has none. There is a soundtrack for every occasion.

Want hype music for cleaning your room? Try DINOSAUR
Want to feel wanderlust? Michael Brook's INTO THE WILD
Want to dance around the kitchen? HTTYD BEATS ALL
Are you sad? DEFIANCE or THE VILLAGE. . .or both

I am pretty stubborn and I love my habits, so venturing into new music territory wasn't exactly in the cards. Until February 2020: when I discovered my first Broadway production. It was sweet coasting after that. One recording led to another, and another. And if you know anything about Broadway, you know how connected it is. So-and-so played this part who was written by this dude, who also wrote this other thing, and sooner or later you're on a rabbit trail that never ends. It does never end. I've been listening for 9 months and I have barely scratched the surface.

Don't worry, this is not going to be a lengthy exposition of my newfound love for musical theater. Though I honestly think 2020 would have been a lot worse if I didn't spend hours on YouTube watching different performances of the same song. #hello100Elphabas It provided me with both great comfort and the best distraction.

ha ha okay, but I can't resist.

BANSTAND is perfect; absolutely perfect.
ISLAND SONG dives deep into hussle culture.
THE MAD ONES is haunting and gorgeous and has the most beautiful harmonies on the face of this earth.
COME FROM AWAY nearly made this stoic girl cry on the way to work.
FINDING NEVERLAND is dreamlike fun.

what are you grateful for this week?

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  1. I love this! Bandstand and Finding Neverland are some of my favourites. I'm grateful for tea, honestly...I made a nice cup of tea this morning before turning on any electronics or anyting, just sitting there sipping it and letting myself be...and I think it made my day.

    - Sophia (teastainedadventures.com)

    1. Sounds like the perfect way to start the day...it's so important to give ourselves space to just "be" before we step into the world.


  2. This post makes me happy in a thousand different ways. :-) I love doing this challenge with you every year, and I love our Broadway adventures. xx

    1. I have loved EVERYTHING about discovering Broadway with you. : )

