Hello again :)


It's April 17th. I unexpectedly got today off because I forgot Easter when I was making the schedule :) So instead I have the entire morning free. I will try to finish by the end of the day, but no promises. You might be reading this in a week.

How has April been treating you, friend? I never think twice at April, honestly. Besides a few birthdays scattered here and there, it doesn't have much of a personal hold. For me, everything happens in May. So in a way, April is a welcome respite.

I haven't been doing much I can write about. Things are a bit heavy as of late, not to mention how much I wish it would stop snowing so I can hit the trails before the tourists come. My boss treated us to a jewelry class a couple weeks ago, and while we were discussing how much our little town is changing, she informed us this winter, lodging/visitors were up a significant amount and in the few months since 22 had dawned we were 10% away from beating last summer's record. As much as I love what this means for small business, the introvert in me wants my home and its pretty places to be left alone.

On the bright side, however, we did found a new hiking spot that I'm IN LOVE with (photo above). A secluded beach, not to long of a hike to pack in for a day trip. It's an easy spot to visit in early spring when the lake hasn't refilled, you get lots of space.

doing lately:

attempted falafels! I'll link the recipe here because they were just toooo good
refinishing a thrifted end table (no photos yet but it's coming along :)

listening lately:

bridgerton (unashamedly. s2 score is so good)
noah gundersen the breadwinner (perfect middle eastern background music)
redeeming love ("California" is the best track hands down)
miles to go instrumental (i may or may not want to take up voice lessons again just for this track)

learning lately:

dance (honestly, I'm very inspired to learn regency and swing, but we'll see how far I get)
holding both good and heavy without letting it sink me
allowing necessity, not motivation to dictate my actions

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.
As you can see, it's Friday the following week :)

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